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St Rose's

Catholic Infant School

We live, love and learn happily in our work and play as part of God's family

Year 2 - St. Dominic - Miss Holder

Curriculum Information Leaflets


Welcome to Year 2 - St. Dominic Class


Class Teacher: Miss Holder

Support Staff: Mrs Quinn 

Our Dom Squad Representatives are:  Spenser, Cian, Katie and Stephen

Autumn 1


This half-term, the children have been learning that we are chosen by God. They understand that God chose certain people to lead and guide his people. Together, we have explored the story of Abraham and how God chose Moses to be a great leader. They will have an opportunity to reflect on Abraham’s trust in God and learned that we should always trust God. The children understanding that God chooses unlikely people to do his biggest jobs. We spoke about how Marcus Rashford has helped people in communities across the country. We have thought about what we can do to help others too.  As part of our Caritas, we have been thinking about ways that we can support workers who are unfairly treated, for example farmers who are not part of the Fairtrade cooperative.



This half-term, the children have been learning about The Good News. They understand that God chose certain people to lead and guide his people. Together, we have explored some of the miracles that Jesus performed: Feeding of the 5,000, The Paralysed Man and The Ten Lepers. We learnt about the Holy Family and that when Jesus was younger, he too liked to play with his friends and help his parents with chores, just like us. The children learnt about why it is important to be thankful. 


Father David came into school and led an Ash Wednesday liturgy. He told us why Lent is important and the three things we do during Lent: pray, give and fast. 


We are now learning about The Mass and what happens when we go to Mass.


In English, we have been developing our writing skills through a variety of texts. The children have been focusing closely on demarcating sentences accurately with the correct punctuation. We have been developing our understanding of the conjunction 'and', learning that it is used to join two clauses together. We have also been concentrating on our handwriting, ensuring that our letters are formed correctly. They are learning to use question marks correctly, with purpose, ensuring that they make sense.


he children are continuing to develop their writing skills by using expanded noun phrases and we are starting to use conjunctions. We have learnt how to use a comma in a list and the different sentence types: command, statement, exclamation and question. 


We have enjoyed reading Traction Man, Caterpillar Shoes and The Little Boat. 


We have been developing our knowledge of place value, specifically accurately identifying the value of the tens and ones and partitioning numbers in different ways. The children have been learning to use ‘think 10’ to help them. We have been applying our skills to using money, using this knowledge to create the same amounts in different ways. We have also been using our subitising skills to group large numbers accurately.


The children have now learnt how to add and subtract two two-digit numbers using the column method. We identified the tens and the ones columns and then added each column, starting with the ones. 


In statistics the children learnt about pictograms, bar graphs and information tables. We read the information and then made our own charts. We also learnt how to make tally charts. 


Our Topic this half-term is Living Things and Their Habitats. The children will be learning about different habitats, their features and what animals live there and why. We have also learnt the seven life processes and that every living things needs to be able to do all seven in order to be alive. This half-term, we will have the pleasure of watching real-life chicks hatch! We are excited to watch them grow and develop during their time with us.


Spring 1

This half term our topic is Everyday Materials and their Uses. The children discussed the different properties of materials and then tested their suitability for different purposes. 


For National Storytelling Week, we read Traction Man and designed him a new scuba suit. We tested our designs by pouring water onto different materials to see if they were waterproof. We had lots of fun pouring water over Miss Bourke! 


Whispering Woods

In the Whispering Woods, we have been observing seasonal changes. We have also been creating bug huts for the animals to help them as the weather gets colder and also been creating shrines for Mary, Our Mother.

Reading Books

Reading books are changed once a week, on a Monday, in St. Dominic class. Your child will receive three new reading books, on the day that it is their groups's turn to change their books. It is expected that the children independently change their books. Please ensure that you record each time you have listened to your child read, making comments about how they have read, e.g. Were they fluent? Also, please comment on how they responded to any comprehension questions that you asked. The children are expected to read every evening, for around ten minutes. Please note that the books your child takes home are books that they are fluent in; this is to encourage reading for pleasure but also to give them the opportunity to work on their understanding through comprehension questioning. Your child will be reading the book band above in class, during guided reading and will be moved up to that band when they are ready.


P.E. Forest School DayOur P.E. days are Monday and Friday. Our forest school day will be Tuesday, both kits should be kept in school at all times. We will send them home over the school holidays. Long hair needs to be tied back at all times.

Library- Every Monday Afternoon the children will have an opportunity to select and change their own Library books in the school Library. Please ensure their book is kept safely in their book bag. 

Doors open at 8.30am and children have a daily morning activity to complete at their desk. These activities are important as they are often about reflecting on their previous work. Once they have completed this activity, it is expected that the children get a book from the 'Reading Garden' and read it quietly in their place. The door closes at 9am sharp and it is then that the register is taken.



Parent Curriculum Information Leaflets
