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St Rose's

Catholic Infant School

We live, love and learn happily in our work and play as part of God's family

Physical Education

Welcome to

Physical Education (PE)

Physical Education Lessons

All children, across both Key Stages, take part in physical education lessons every week. In Foundation Stage, the children have one hour designated hall slot a week, where they participate in indoor activities which help to develop their core physical skills. Children in the EYFS develop their physical skills both in the classroom and in their outdoor area everyday through physical activity.  In Key Stage One (KS1), each class has two one hour slots allocated to them each week for Physical Education (PE); this includes an indoor and an outdoor slot. 


 What we have achieved so far?


  • Promoted sportsmanship

  • Promoted participation in sports 

  • Invested in new sports equipment and staff kit

  • Invested in new play ground climbing equipment for both EYFS and KS1 so that all pupils have access to equipment which encourages greater participation in regular physical activity.


Our aim is to develop children's attitudes in competitive sport. St Rose's pupils learn that sport is a positive outlet and aslo that being a good sportsman means supporting both their team members and people on the opposing team. A key sporting lesson which is driven through the core of all lessons is to 'Lose with dignity and win with humility'. 


Over time, we have developed the range of after-school clubs available to all children. The children now have a wide variety of sports to choose from. We are proud that we continue to be able to offer a range of extra-curricular sports after school. We have extended the amount sports activities held at school and open up clubs for Reception pupils to attend. 


We have continued to invest in new sports equipment using a portion of the 'Sports Premium Funding' allocated to us. This has meant that the teachers have the right equipment in which to both challenge and support children of all abilities to develop their skills. We also work with specialist sports providers who team teach with our teachers to improve skills. Our goal is to ensure consistent and progressive development of physical skills through high quality teaching and learning. We are always looking into ways we can improve our PE and sports offer at St Rose's. 



